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An Interview with Jersey Boys' star Luke Suri

An Interview with Jersey Boys' star Luke Suri

23 May 2023

To help celebrate the launch of our new collection of West End theatre breaks, our copywriter Hay Brunsdon-Adams caught up with Luke Suri, who plays Frankie Valli in Jersey Boys. Check out the full interview below.

Hi Luke! You play the role of Frankie Valli in Jersey Boys, and this is your West End debut! How excited were you to get the part in such an iconic West End show?

It really was a dream come true, I remember getting the call and them asking if I would consider moving from the UK Tour of Jersey Boys to the West End production and my heart just skipped a beat whilst on the call. I mean every single emotion of delight ran through my body, all those years of hard work had paid off and I was about to make my West End debut in an iconic show playing Frankie Valli!!  I still don’t think I’m over it, to be honest I don’t think I ever will be so to say I’m grateful really is an understatement…

Having received no formal vocal training or professional singing lessons, you have climbed the live entertainment ladder in true ‘Frankie Valli fashion’. Can you tell us more about your personal journey to starring on the West End?

When l was at primary school, I remember we had a lesson on careers and jobs and there were many kids who wanted to be a doctor, or a police officer, children who dreamed of working with animals or fighting fires but I knew I always wanted to be a pop star. I wanted to entertain. I wanted to be on TV. I ended up moving to Sri Lanka at the young age of 10 in 2004 as my Dad migrated there and out there I tried to join in with as many drama-related extra-curricular activities as I could, but unfortunately in Sri Lanka Drama wasn’t an option for my O levels (yes, you heard that right - old fashioned O Levels!) I then moved back to England in 2010 where I was able to take Performance Studies for my A levels. After that I realised that financially drama school wasn’t an option, so I took a passport picture as a headshot, and a CV of nothing, to an open audition to sing at a hotel and ended up booking the job. From there I moved to Holiday Parks, small educational tours, Pantomime and cruise ships, developing my craft with every step, to be able to be the performer I am today. I will be forever thankful to the numerous casts, managers and companies I worked with for educating and believing in me throughout the years. 

Finding an agent was just as hard when we were coming out of lockdown as I felt like a lot of agencies didn’t take me seriously due to my lack of formal training. It wasn’t until the magic of social media helped me, as I’d used the Covid years to record covers in my bedroom in a bid to keep creative, so agents started finding me on Twitter, and that’s how I ended up getting my agent. Within 3 weeks of signing me I was booked for an audition for the UK tour of Jersey Boys, within 5 weeks of signing I was offered the role of Alternate Frankie Valli on the tour and 9 months later I made my West End debut. I’m a firm believer that if you really want something and you’ve worked for it…”it could will happen DID happen!”

Do you feel at all daunted playing the role of a world-famous musical icon?

Frankie’s voice is so iconic and unique and you have to get it right night after night so of course it’s daunting. Some people who come to see the show have an expectation of what they want to hear, because it’s been such a phenomenon over the years. I would class Jersey Boys as a Bio-Play, we are telling the true story of the Four Seasons so it has to be real, it has to be right and most importantly, it has to sound like you’re back in 1962 listening to Sherry for the first time.

Were you a fan of his before you started performing in Jersey Boys?

I only knew of Frankie Valli because of the musical. Growing up in Pubs (before I moved to Sri Lanka) the jukebox would always play songs like Big Girls Don’t Cry or Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You so I was very familiar with the songs. But I didn’t know who the Four Seasons really were until I started researching my role. It is amazing to think how many people will have heard a Four Seasons song in their life. Even now on TikTok two separate Frankie Valli/Four Season’s songs are trending, inspiring a new generation of fans.

Can you tell us about a day in your life preparing for a performance of Jersey Boys? And do you have any 'about to go on stage' rituals? 

I slowly warm my voice gently throughout the day, and usually head into work for around 5pm to focus on getting my vocal range stretched out and ready for the show. Hydration is key and I try and get as much water in my system as I can. I have set warmups that I do every day and am very routine in how I prepare. Before going onstage, I have to sing my first line and the “don’t go baby” from Cry For Me. Once my mental checklist is all done, I’m ready get on stage!

You have a remarkable range to hit those sky-high falsetto notes! What’s your favourite song to sing in the show?

It changes all the time because they are all such good songs. But I think Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You has been flavour of the month for the past few months. It’s such a fun song to sing. I get to really SING it as it builds to such an amazing climax, not to mention how iconic the song is in general.

What are the biggest challenges this show presents, and to your role in particular?

The hardest challenge for me is that I am playing a living legend, someone who is still very active in the industry, and I would always want my portrayal of him to be honest. The writing of the show keeps the text truthful and I need to mirror that in a way that’s shows the ups, down, highs and lows of the Four Seasons’ journey. 

Which other character from a West End show would you love the chance to play one day?

There are loads of musicals that I would love to be attached to from Dear Evan Hansen, to Raoul in Phantom, Orpheus in Hadestown, to Jamie in Everybody’s Talking About Jamie. I would also love to workshop something new, something fresh, something I can create with the creative team, that would be really exciting. Who knows what the future will bring, this is only the beginning!

What's your absolute favourite scene in the show?

 The argument scene with Frankie and Mary Delgado (his first wife). Mary is frustrated with the amount of time Frankie is away from his family and it’s just actually heart-breaking because you can see them pulling away from each other. I won’t spoil too much but it transitions into one of the most beautiful songs in the Four Seasons’ catalogue. 

Finally, why should audiences come to see Jersey Boys?

Jersey Boys is a cinematic experience that’s brought to the stage, it’s literally like watching a film. The story is phenomenal, the music is sublime, and it will have you singing the songs for months to come after your visit. There’s a reason why Jersey Boys has been around for so many years and still receives the praise that it does, and that’s because it’s a beautiful, exciting and nostalgic show that will have you saying, oh what a night!

See Jersey Boys on a Just Go! Holidays coach break

Winning over 50 awards worldwide, Jersey Boys tells the tubulent story behind the meteoric rise and international stardom of the successful band Franki Valli & The Four Seasons. Packed full of hits including Can't Take My Eyes Off You and Big Girls Don't Cry, get ready to sing-a-long as you take a nostalgic trip down memory lane.

Ready to book? Our West End coach breaks are arguably the easiest way to catch Jersey Boys and include theatre tickets, hotel accommodation, return coach travel and free time in the capital, all in one package.

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